It's been reported that a female who was arrested late last night ended up stealing the Concord Police vehicle. I heard she was handcuffed from the front. She drove a few blocks and bailed on foot and was captured. They couldn't find the keys to the car though.
The arresting officer is going to have some explaining to do it looks like! I'm sure there will be some more about this in the media later today.
Friday Nov. 25th 2011
Well from what I heard, the woman drove the car 1 mile before bailing and getting caught. I'm surprised by this whole event because the officer in question is with SET (Special Enforcement Team) with the Concord Police and was driving an unmarked car. If that's the case, I'm wondering why he handcuffed her hands from the front because those cars don't have any glass seperating the front and back seats! Doesn't make any sense.
I'm sure this officer will be written up not to mention he'll be getting a lot of slack from his co-workers.