Sunday, February 28, 2010

Stop & I.D.

I think it should be known to the public that the Concord Police has a record of stopping people without probable cause just to check peoples I.D. which is against the law in California. The CPD will come up with any excuse though of why they stopped you.

Has anyone out there had any similar experiences with the Concord Police?


Mike said...

The CPD has done this to me many of times in the past. I've worked nights for years now and always bike late at night after work to get some exercise.

I've been stopped and harassed countless times by the Concord Police. They've yelled at me and accused me of everything from being a drug user to trying to break in businesses.

Not all of them are bad but some of those guys have a really bad attitude. By law they just can't stop you for the hell of it to check your I.D. and question you. They do it anyways. It's against the law and I don't know how they get away with it. It might just take a lawsuit against the CPD for them to stop violating peoples rights.

Anonymous said...

Where is the comment i posted last nite? Oh i see , you only want the bad things to be said about someone that does a job you couldn't do. Hmmm

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:19pm

I'm sorry but I did not see your comment from last night. I get so much junk mail that it might have been deleted by accident. Feel free to send it again if you want.

I'm all for comments whether they're positive or negative. I'm definitely not a cop hater if that's what you're thinking.

Anonymous said...

Thank you . And im sorry if i seemed rude but i have dealt with some blogs before that wanted opinions but when someone would post something they didn't want to haar it wouldn't get posted. Anyway. What i wanted to say is that i do agree sometimes the cp can be a little too agressive. I grew up in Concord and i gave the police in that city a run for their money. I was young and very dumb back then and did everything from Take over roberys to pump and runs . We even kidnapped a couple of people. I lived on clayton road right by treat blv and i had huge parties every weekend. my street was part of the county and the sheriff wouldn't come out unless it was an emergency.All the cp could do is to wait at the end of the street and when someone would leave they would pull them over. I got so many tickets in that town that i filled a photo album with eight tickets on each page and four of them were for drunk driving and one was attempted murder on a police officer. I receaved my last dui when i was 20 years old. It got to the point where when they would see me they would just pull me over and beat me up. That was many years ago and if i did anything like that now id be in prison for sure. Anyway my point is that sometimes the police have reasons for being so agressive. And if you are out driveing around late at nite or even rideing a bike they will think you are some tweeker and pull you over and yes they will give you a hard time . My point is that every time they pull someone over they have their own reasions. They do profile alot but they also know when something isn't right. People lie and they HATE that. If you get pulled over and you have warrents or you have dope on you or even if you are j-walking then you have no reason to complain but if you are not guilty of anything and they are rugh on you all you have to do is stop them and ask them to PLEASE call a superviser. By law they must stop what they are doing and call one . You can even request someone from the inturnal affairs to come. If it is after hours then they will tell you how you can get in touch with them during the day. I have had cops call for a watch comander many times and one time inturnal affairs came. You have to see things through their eyes. How do you think it feels when a cop pulls someone over. In the world today there is about a 15$ chance that the driver in the car is going to have a gun on them or in the car. If the driver is wanted there is about a 10% chance that they will run and a 2% chance they will pull the gun. The truth is that there is a chance that something bad could happen EVERY time they pull someone over. There are a million things going through their head and untill they know that there is no threat they can be very rough. What would you do ? And just think of what would happen if they werent so agressive. They are good at judgeing a persons character but they still have to be carefull . people can change in a snap of the finger. They are the only ones that are out there protecting you against criminals. It is a thankless job that not many could do. The intunal affairs people can help you with anything that has to do with misconduct. The police will tell you that you have to make any comlaints you have at the front desk at the police station. They tell you that because they don't want to get into trouble with the IA. You can also sign up to go on a ride along and see first hand what the police have to deal with daily. I am not saying that there aren't cops that do over do it but for the most part they are just doing what they have to do. And to the guy that gets pulled over for rideing his bike. Dude you are eather doing something wrong or you don't know that the only people that ride bikes these days a tweekers. And one more thing. There are many sites you can visit that will tell you what rights you have when you are stoped by the police. But the bottom lin is that if you are straight they will be fair. If you are dirty then stop crying and do you time.

Thanks Guys

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:19

Just because someone is out at some odd hour of the night riding their bike doesn't mean that they're up to no good. Not everyone works during the day.

The Concord Police need probable cause to stop you but they have broken that law countless times.

If I was a police officer and knew your background like you have just described, I'd probably pull you over and beat the sh#t out of you too LOL. I'm surprised you're not in prison right now LOL.

Did you live off of Loeffler Ln. by any chance which is right off of clayton not far from treat? I know that's a county road that the CPD doesn't deal with. A lot of losers that live on that street.

Administrator said...

Anon 9:19pm

I agree with you on some points. You sound like you have turned your life around so that's good. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Cops are not to be held up on a pedastool above everyone else. Yes they work in a dangerous field, one they signed up for, but so do firefighters. There are countless jobs that are dangerous, it still doesn't give cops the right to screw with people just because they get away with it.

Anonymous said...

I have been stop and i'd also, I did not have anything to hide, so I consented. I did have an issue with a neighbor who kept parking in a spot that wasn't theirs, He told me what are you going to do? I told him "have it towed". He moved his vehicle, did a burnout and came to my door with a metal rod. I opened the door and asked him to leave the property and loaded a round in my home defense weapon, out of view behind the door, so not viewable. He said he'd call the police, I told him I will, too. cpd came, took id, cuffed me, took my keys from me and illegally searched my home. I kept telling them I do not consent, the did it anyway. the door was locked. they searched my home, they said probable cause. cpd left my firearms alone but confiscated knives and a bbgun. Apparently someone can come to your door with a weapon and it is acceptable. I was so upset and ready to have a panic attack, they administered a sobriety test, which they said I failed. I was arrested for influence of controlled substance, though i do not use drugs and had no alcohol in system. Case never went to court. I have a feeling the rod weilder has a relative in cpd. I have seen him come out of the front seat of a cpd car at a taqueria, proir to incident. Luckily rod weilder had moved, because I was ready to sue them.

Administrator said...

In that case I definitely would have contacted an attorney to see what my options are.

At the very least, I would have filed a complaint against the CPD with their Internal Affairs office.

Don't let the police violate your rights like that. If you don't stand up to them like I did, then it will just continue.

Anonymous said...

I consulted an attorney about incident, He had told me that although I have a case, They will harass me in other ways. He recommended I sue the neighbor, They moved on the day I would be able to take action, I have a feeling cpd knows there are some one-time only things they can do to harass and intimidate, if done repeatedly, they would get sued. I also tried internal affairs, I was only allowed to talk to some officer. He was not cooperative, I really don't know if he was IA, just a high ranking officer who looked like Fred Gwynn(Herman Munster). Eventually, The knives were returned, but the bb gun was not, saying it is a nuisance weapon, although they obtained it illegally. When I asked questions, the clerk closed the window on me and as I was leaving, other doors upstairs closed automatically. They really want to have the last word.

Mama Bear said...

I tried to reach IA too but they will only connect me with a sergent to cover their ass. I am sure they are going to start harassing me or trying to pin something on me.

Mama Bear said...

Hey is a number for Internal Affairs. It may be a starting point. 925-335-1530