Monday, April 19, 2010

Well I just read about this recently on a local blog out here in Concord that I read daily. Very intersting. At the same time, it doesn't surprise me coming from the Concord Police.

"I just read a story in the CCTimes about how the city paid a settlement for false arrest. What is distrubing here is that they put the guy in their car and turned on the heater full blast.

I know of another case where they did this also. It seems to be SOP for the Concord PD. They love to do this on hot summer days. The Police Chief needs to look into this along with the city council. This is not right. One of these days these public bullies we pay are going to cause a heart attack or? In the case I am aware of the person had done nothing wrong but they thought they would "Rough" him up and get him to talk.

We do not pay taxes for this and this should not happen. thank God they don't have a waterboard!

I urge the Council and the Chief to set up a independent call line that this can be reported. I know it sounds like street justice since the criminals get away with everything until it happens to you or someone you know who is a perfectly innocent person.

This is not RUSSIA"

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